Blog Archive

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pain in the ass

"Forever isn't long at all 
when I'm with you."

i can't even express my deep and meaningful hatred towards my internet connection. I know i might seem or sound like a whiny bitch always complaining about her internet connection, but if you were me, i think you'd understand how much pain i go through when trying to surf the internet. I swear i grow ten years older waiting for the pages to load. Seriously, am I living in the North Pole or something?

For an instance, i would really like it if this fucking modem would at least load a page without the pictures cracking or not showing up or something. Buffering a 4o-minute video takes a longer time than my shower, and believe me, i do not take short showers. My hair's all falling off because of all the stress i get from this moronic modem. 

But alas, enough of the deep talk! My fifth aunt is currently @ Bangkok with her husband on their second honeymoon haha, and she said that the place is marvellous! I remembered going there when i was younger much younger, and the only thing that sticks on my mind from that trip is riding the baby elephants! Whoop! Its big ears kept on flapping and flapping and slapping onto my thighs and oh sweet god it was painful but an amazing experience nonetheless. Mom told me that she really wanted to go there too and I made her promise to take me to Bangkok on the month-long break later in June! Keeping my fingers crossed.

After a long time of not playing tetris battle on Facebook, i guess my skills got a little rusty so when I played it, i was literally guillotined. And since I'm kinda that competitive bitch (in other words kiasu), the feeling of losing is definitely not pleasant. uh. not pleasant at all. so I did what i do best: closing the tab! say whuuuuuuuuut! Cyber high-six cos high-five is not enough for such a magnificent person like moi! (inserting rapid hair-whipping)

Good news among all these muddy events! I'm skipping school tomorrow (again) cos the news said that tomorrow's demonstration is gonna be the biggest slash baddest. Actually that's just an excuse for me to dump school and chill at home, plus i don't give a chicken foot about any of the riots happening around. Additional happiness: there is a great possibility that i will purchase a bunny tomorrow! i'm getting lovely shivers!

i will just end this post right now cos there appears to be a skin irritation on my feet and it sucks and itches like nobody's business.


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