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Saturday, March 10, 2012

March-athon + Happy B-day SH

 "Whatever you do,
do it good."

I consumed more food than 3 giant elephants.

i am kind of regretting it right now cos i feel so so so bloated! like i'm filled with air! and my face looks like it's inflated! i bet i gained at least 2-3 kgs today. here's how i recall i'd spent the day:

ate at grandma's home before going to Eureka for A-Maths tuition. I slept for a night there cos mom and dad's not home pfft. After tuition, fetched Elaine from Victor and sent Vivian to school for bimbel! We skipped bimbel and went to Vani's house and...

Indomie Marathon!!!

Elaine, Vani, Novie and I just wolfed down 10 fucking packets of Indomie and big big packets of snacks. We've been waiting for this for a long time! Oh god why... but the noodles are delicious and who am i to complain hoho

at approx. 1 p.m, Claudia, Vincent, and Widodo also arrived there. we drank coconut water (ohgoditwasdelicious) and by then i already felt really full. Then we all kinda cramped in Vani's car and I can't breathe cos i'm too full and tbh I was squeezed but okay. We just drove around and around and around and finally someone wanted to eat KFC so we bought fries and soda yummmmm

highlight of the day: we went to look at dogs in home sweet home! the puppies were like the most. adorable. things. ever. and they sold a baby maltzu (i don't know what that is, i just made that shit up but the puppy is a combination of Maltese and Shih tzu) for 10 million rupiah!!! IKR, what the hell! although it's really cute and white and squeal-deserving, it's not even a pure breed and it's even more expensive than a pure maltese or shih tzu, and that's saying much cos those breeds are expensive too. hmm i wonder if anyone'll ever buy that puppy...

they also sold a lot of other puppies like Pomeranian  and Yorkshire Terrier. They're all just so adorable and when they see us come in they began barking like crazy, probably asking to be released from their cages. but then the auntie shouted at them and they suddenly silenced. i had to hold back my laughter cos the whole situation is just so funny! it's like the dogs are in school and causing riot and when the teacher shouts they just quieten down hehe anyway they were cute. one particular Pomeranian caught my eye cos it was so cute!!! but the auntie said that it wasn't for sale :( but even if it was on sale, i wouldn't ever buy it cos i still have Bawynn hoho.

By the way,
Happy Birthday U-Kiss' Shin Soohyun!

although you're my least favorite member in U-Kiss because of your horseface (Soohyunizers or whatever it is please don't be offended,) I will still wish you a happy birthday just because you're a part of U-kiss hehe. Say hi to Kiseop for me!

and why am I writing this as if anyone's reading my blog? hm

i don't really wanna make this post any more retarded and boring as it is so bye! how's your satnite? ;)

I hate how chocolate immediately melts on my fingers... I mean... Am I that hot?!

lolololol isn't that just plain funny??!?!?!?! got it from twitter @GirlSpeaking and if you're wondering, i didn't follow that account. somebody retweeted it foooh


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