"If you obey all the rules,
you miss all the fun."
-Katharine Hepburn
You may or may not be wondering what in the world Kicappie is, so I shall be a kind soul and explain thoroughly!
Ki : Taken from the word Kiseop, the name of an abnormally handsome and perfect guy whose spouse is Carissa Stefani (moi).
Ca: Taken from the word Carissa (moi).
Ppie: Taken from the word Kiseoppie, Kiseop's nickname. aka nama sayang.
I suppose you know what the meaning of Kicappie is now?
YEH BINGO! Kicappie is Kiseop & Carissa's couple name! In just a few more days, exactly a year ago i would be at Mikie Holiday Brastagi shouting like a crazy maniac watching U-Kiss' concert. wow that was epic! I feel giddy just reminiscing all the fun we had!!! got fanmeet some more! We bought the Break Time mini album and lined up to get U-kiss' autographs and oh god oh god oh god kiseeeeooopppppp was just sitting there in all his glory and melting me inside and making my knees turn to jelly. I can literally hear Novie screaming in my head Hiperbola kau sa! Hiperbola!!! Hiperbola your head, i smack your ass later.
We will be having UAS tomorrow... and why am i still blogging again? shouldn't i be studying for Agama and PPKN? i seriously don't know what i need to do tomorrow. i mean like students in National schools have been studying these subjects for what, three years and we had only been studying all these subjects for less than a year! and only three times a week! i really don't get how we're supposed to score well in UAS. i know i sound like such a whiner right now but what can i do... Baby i was born this way!
I saw this on tumblr:
okay... that is just plain sad. Y so emo? This quote would work if the person saying it was like 180 years old but a teenager? 18 years old? Come on, the complete series of Harry Potter doesn't even take that much time! The only reasons i can come up with for this person not being able to even finish the first chapter are:
1. S/he can't think of the reasons. This is highly possible.
2. S/he have difficulty writing.
3. S/he is busybusybusy
4. S/he doesn't have enough paper.
5. The "first" chapter is longer than the whole Harry Potter series. This one's highly impossible. In fact, why don't you break it down to other chapters? is it even legal to have such a long chapter?
I don't even know why i started commenting about that quote but since i've started it, lets continue!
Why ruin a perfectly beautiful picture with a "Fuck Off"? and if you want to write it, why not in a better font? I am fully convinced that S/he is a really sad person cos the tags for this picture are #fuck you #fuck everything #hate so yeah.
i should stop judging people i don't even know.
This cracked me up:
I hate looking at your face. I wanna smash it. Great quote for the next time you're in an argument and realize you're losing!
imaginary scenario:
A: one plus one is two!
You: why are you so dumb? it's three!
A: no, it's two!
You: it's three, bitch!
A: look, the calculator says it's two!
*looks at calculator*
*looks at A*
You: I hate looking at your face. I wanna smash it.
A: *silence*
p.s: don't worry, i hate that stupid bird flying around too. the problem is i don't know how to remove it so please just bear with it? *giving puke-worthy puppy eyes*
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